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mFund Project DEUS_SmartAir

Europe's pioneer

As a pioneer in Europe, DEUS identifies emission sources in cities with AI-supported cameras that precisely record road users. By combining this data with weather and air pollution data, DEUS is able to accurately analyse the impact of traffic on air quality.

Key technology for livable cities

Scalable IoT networks promote mobility change, reduce traffic emissions and protect air quality. With state-of-the-art technology, they enable real-time analyses and efficient decisions to protect health, the environment and the climate.

AI boost for municipalities

With AI and scalable systems, we make it as easy as possible for municipalities to integrate new tasks into existing platforms and increase cost efficiency and user-friendliness for more effective resource management.

The modular DEUS IoT-System

Flexible, scalable, efficient

DEUS SmartAir, funded by the mFUND programme of the BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs), has developed a ground-breaking technology. Self-calibrating measurement networks of mobile and stationary sensors for traffic measurements, emissions (ultrafine particulate matter, NOx, CO2, methane, NH3) and weather. They provide precise data that allows the efficiency of traffic management systems to be evaluated, infrastructure planning to be carried out in line with environmental and mobility requirements and logistics flows to be optimised.

The scalable and modular IoT measurement networks can be used to effectively accelerate the mobility transition and reduce the harmful effects of transport on air quality. The specialist information system and the 24-hour forecasting system have been equipped with the latest digitalisation technologies to enable real-time data analysis and efficient decision-making to protect public health, the environment and the climate.


DEUS SmartAir - the mFund-Projekt at BMDV 

Individually customisable

Individually customisable

Plug & Play-Installation (copy 1)

Plug & Play-Installation
(15 Minutes)

Robustes Aluminiumgehäuse (copy 1)

Robust Aluminum housing

Autarkes Modul (copy 1)

Self-sufficient module

Add-on-Lösungen (copy 1)

Add-on solutions for existing systems

Upgradefähig (copy 1)

Upgradeable for future sensors

Partner program

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  • Enhancing reputation and brand value
  • Strengthening ESG compliance
  • Stakeholder-Impact
  • Cooperation with urban decision makers


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